# Inline
![Alternative text](/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title")
# Reference
![Alternative text][id]
[id]: url/to/image "Optional title"
![Alt Text](http://www.sheawong.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/keephatin.gif)
Raw images from the repo can be used by calling them directly.:
![Alt Text](https://github.com/(user)/(repo)/raw/master/path/to/image.gif)
All images are cached on GitHub, so if your host goes down, the image will remain available.
As you may have noticed, images in Markdown are very similar to links. The difference is that:
Select the valid images:
Select the valid images:
What is true about the following line: ![Funny cat](http://cats.ru/funny.png "Share this")
What is true about the following line: ![Funny cat](http://cats.ru/funny.png "Share this")