Mastering Markdown

GFM Quick Ref


Emojis can be added to Pull Requests, Issues, commit messages, Markdown files, etc. using :name_of_emoji::


Would produce:


The full list of supported Emojis on GitHub can be found at or scotch-io/All-Github-Emoji-Icons.

The top 5 used Ejmojis on GitHub are:

  1. :shipit: - :shipit:
  2. :sparkles: - :sparkles:
  3. :-1: - :-1:
  4. :+1: - :+1:
  5. :clap: - :clap:


Images and GIFs can be added to comments, READMEs etc.:

![Alt Text](

Raw images from the repo can be used by calling them directly.:

![Alt Text](

Peter don't care

All images are cached on GitHub, so if your host goes down, the image will remain available.